In case you didn’t know, you can refinance an interest only loan. Because of online lenders, it is now easy to trade in your balloon payment and extended loan periods for better rates and payments. Make sure you get the best rates while you are searching for your loan deal and get in the know with mortgage secrets revealed.
While you are willing to refinance the interest only loan the one perk is that it allows you to reevaluate both your short and long term financial goals. If you are looking for minimum monthly payments you may want to get an adjustable rate loan for 30 years. Your initial payments will be low. To get a lower interest rate change your loan period to 15 years. If you want to keep your payments steady without making adjustments for rate hikes, opt for the fixed rate loan. If you want to pay closing costs you can reduce your rates even further.
Choose the lender that is willing to work for you. The object is to keep more money in your bank account while still being able to get the refinancing you are seeking. Research the recommended lenders and other mortgage companies until you find out the right fit for you. The market is competitive and the lenders are willing to make deals.
Request the same loan terms from different lenders, when asking for a quote. It takes very little time to find a good lender and minutes to start the application process. It could be a couple of weeks and you could get rid of your current high loan payments and get one that fits your budget and began to recognize your savings.
The idea is to save money, lower your monthly payments and get the best deal for you. Now is the best time to start managing your money. What can better be done than increasing your savings and decreasing your expenses?
Always complete your research and arm yourself to ensure you get the lowest rates with the home buyer defense guide and the best loan package.
Happy Surfing,